#Om Bali Cargo

An ‘aggressive’ fight over containers is causing shipping costs to rocket by 300%

SINGAPORE — A critical shortage of containers is driving up shipping costs and delays for goods purchased from China. The pandemic and uneven global economic r...

Shippers and forwarders claim carriers breach contracts to demand higher rates

As Asia-Europe container spot rates continue to skyrocket, shippers and freight forwarders are accusing carriers of breaching short- and long-term contracts to &ldqu...

Freight forwarders feel the US$10k heat, in red-hot Asia/Europe market

Freight forwarders say that with Asia-Europe rates rising at least fivefold year-on-year, and total rates for some cargo having topped US$10,000/FEU, shippers are de...

The Port of Halifax receives the largest container vessel to call at a Canadian port

Thursday morning, the largest containerized cargo vessel to call at a Canadian port arrived at the Port of Halifax. The CMA CGM Brazil, 366 metres length,...

Booming of E-Commerce, Reliable Shipping Services Are Needed

The development of e-commerce in the world and also in Indonesia shows the trend of rapid increase. Two main factors that support the growth of e-commerce are the lo...

MTL Investment in Taicang Terminal Pays Off

Hong Kong-based operator Modern Terminals Ltd (MTL) is enjoying the results of its investment in Taicang International Gateway, a deep-water terminal, as manufacture...

MOL selects Descartes to manage Customs filings

MOL has selected Descartes Systems Group, a global logistics solutions provider, to help manage its container division’s European Union (EU) Import Control Sys...

Dock strike in Australia over death

Hundreds of Western Australian wharfies and more than 1500 around Australia, have walked off the job for 24 hours in protest at a death at Melbourne Port yesterday m...

US provides Vietnam with container scanners

A memorandum of understanding (MoU), under which Vietnam's Ministry of Finance and the US Department of Energy will cooperate to prevent the illegal transport of...